4th March: We finally had some nice weather today after a couple of weeks of cold, wind and rain so I took Awesom-O out for a spin. I did to the end of the farm track and back and down the Old Coach Road which was fun apart from the OCR which was very muddy because of all the rain. I had another buzzard encounter on the ride which is always impressive, something made me glance up into a small tree as I approached it and there was a buzzard sitting on a branch maybe 12 feet away from me so I stopped to look at it. It watched me warily for maybe a minute before it dropped off the branch and flew off across the fields. It was a thorough wash for Awesom-O when I got in and 20.9 miles to kick March off.
7th March: I took Awesom-O out tonight after work, just as it was getting dark. It was quite a pleasant evening, dry and not too cold and the wind was blowy rather than strong. I came back and did a full length of the bypass to add a few miles and then stopped at the chippy in the village for 3 mini spring rolls. An uneventful but enjoyable ride and 21.9 more miles.
10th March: A significant ride today, it was the first ride of the year in my Lusso bib shorts! The BBC website said 10c but it felt warmer. I did the farm track then two laps of a loop I created in Map my Ride to add a bit of distance. For some reason, as I was about to set off, I turned on my Garmin and it was almost dead - bugger! Anyhow, I knew the distance from drawing the ride so I set off and it proved to be a very enjoyable ride although there were a couple of oddities.
Firstly, as I was heading down Hall Lane I passed a girl on a full carbon fatbike coming the other way which was very odd and secondly, I am starting to get chain slip on the bike where the you hear a 'ching, ching' as you are cycling and the cranks spin forward before engaging again - very iritating. The chain and cassette have got less than 500 miles on them so it can't be that. I'll have to have a good look at the freehub body and front chainring when I get the chance. Anyhow, 24.9 more miles.
12th March: I managed to get out this evening to try and burn off a rather nice pub lunch. It was dark soon after I set off and I ended up having one of those 'zen' rides that reminded why I love cycling so much, flying down deserted roads without a care in the world. I did the end of the farm track and back and then two laps of my new mini course before heading in. It was warmish and not too windy and a thoroughly enjoyable ride for 22.2 more miles.
15th March: I had the day off today to try and use up some leave at work and, as usual, I really dropped on with the weather! It was warm and sunny with barely a cloud in the sky and hardly any wind so I took the Giant out for the afternoon. I did to the end of the farm track and back, then did a couple of laps of the loop and then headed back via the Old Coach Road. I did have another of my firsts on the ride however. As I was cycling along Barrow Nook Lane, I slowed right down to pass two horses when the lady on the outside said "Could you slow down please love and ring your bell?". Given that I was only doing about 4 mph and don't have a bell because it isn't 1943, I was somewhat surprised by this request. Anyhow, our world has militant cyclists so I don't see why there shouldn't be militant horsists as well! A very sunny 27.4 miles and, incidentally, the ride that took me past the 9,000 mile mark.
18th March: The BBC were predicting some seriously wet weather today so I'd initially decided not to bother with a ride. As it turned out, it was raining but it wasn't cold or particularly windy so I took Awesom-O out for a spin. I did to the end of the farm track and back and then two of my recently created loops. One thing I discovered on the ride is that my new Bluemel mudguards works very well, it rained constantly for the entire ride. Anyhow, my legs felt good, apart from a weird pain I was getting behind my left knee at the top of the calf, and it was an enjoyable ride although I did wring about half a pint of water out of my hat and gloves when I got in! 22.1 more miles.
19th March: I can't remember much about this ride because it was nearly a week ago. I took Awesom-O out in the evening and did the farm track plus a couple of laps of my new loop. The back of my knee was quite sore so I Googled it execting to find some obvious cycling cause but I couldn't. Some people suggested it could be caused by pulling up too hard straining the tendons. Anyhow, I'm going to have a few days off the bike and see how I get on. 22.1 more miles.
25th March: The BBC were predicting gorgeous sunny weather today so I took the Giant out for a pootle. The BBC were right and it was a gorgeous sunny day with virtually no wind. I set off and decided to take it easy because of my knee keeping my cadence high and using my right leg whenever I needed to accelerate. I did the original local 21 and only had one minor incident. As I was cycling through the industrial park, I went to accelerate past three young lads doing wheelies on mountain bikes when one of them nearly fell off to his left effing and jeffing a lot. I jinked right to go around and he looked distinctly startled as I shot past him which was quite amusing. My knee was fine, which was promising, and it was an extremely pleasant ride and 20.9 miles.
26th March: It was another gorgeous sunny day today albeit with more wind. I took the Giant out again and went the back way to Ormskirk, past Warbrecks nursery and then did the farm track on the way back. Apart from getting stuck behind a couple of other cyclists occasionally (spin people, don't grind. As Durianrider would say "Cadence, CADENCE!") it was a fun ride and also the first ride of the year wearing just a t-shirt which was awesome! Anyhow, another 21.0 miles.
29th March: I had another day off work today to use up annual leave. I took Awesom-O for what turned out to be a rather rule #9 ride. I did the farm path, 2 of my new loops and came back around the back of the village to add a bit of distance. It wasn't the most fun ride ever because it was quite wet and windy but it was another 23.6 giving a total for March of 227.1 which is pretty decent for the time of year.