Monday 7 August 2017

An awkward cycling ailment.

For the last couple of months I've had a miscoloured patch right at the top of my left thigh. It was a sort of yellowy pink colour with quite distinct darker pink edges. It didn't hurt at all but did itch slightly occasionally. I googled it and found it was quite common among people who do a lot of sport and is known in the UK as Dhobi itch and as Jock itch by the Americans. It's caused by a fungus that lives in the skin and it's very easy to treat.

Any kind of fungicidal ointment from the chemist or supermarket will shift it quite easily. I bought Canesten (which actually says on the back of the box that it's for treating Jock itch) but you could use Daktarin or an own brand, the key ingredient is the anti-fungal agent clotrimazole. Just apply two or three times a day, don't share towels and always wash your bib shorts after every ride and it should dissappear in a couple of weeks.

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