Tuesday 8 August 2017

August 2017.

7th August: After a lot of rain recently and a lot of time surrounded by bike bits I finally managed to get out for a ride today. I'd decided that carbon really doesn't float my boat any more and steel definitely does so I treated myself to a Fairlight Strael frame and forks and set of Shimano ST-RS685 hydraulic shifters and BR-RS805 calipers and spent a few days building it up. I still have the RS500 crankset and it's original wheels so the Giant can be rebuilt and sold on at some point in the near future. The eagle eyed ones among you will notice that I am a bit of a tart and went for the £40 option of an orange Hope headset and seat clamp plus I bought the orange Hope skewers to match!

Anyhow, I eventually got the Strael finished, the rain had gone and it was actually quite warm and sunny so I took it out for it's inaugural voyage and ended up having a blast. I'd very carefully researched all the key dimensions of the Giant and the Strael and the Strael in size 56R was perfect; slightly longer, slightly more reach and with a lower front end. Amazingly, it looks like I'd manage to get the Strael spot on before I even set off. The position felt absolutely perfect; long and low but comfortable at the same time.

The ride is classic steel all the way. Fast and stiff but with the beautiful smoothness that makes a good steel frame unbeatable; I genuinely couldn't be more pleased with it. The brakes are an absolute revelation, especially. They were an absolute pig to bleed but the power and modulation are streaks ahead of the Spyres. A really fun ride and 27.8 miles to start August, and the new n+1, off.

10th August: I got out after work tonight but before I set off I tightened the headset on the Strael. It was slightly loose on the previous ride and I could hear the forks clonking around constantly which was quite annoying. Anyhow, the weather was quite nice, sunny but fairly windy, so I took Dairy Farm Road and the OCR to the end of the farm track and did three ups and downs and then headed back through the village, stopping for a chicken kebab on the way. Another 25.2 miles for August.

13th August: After a fairly miserable wet Saturday, today was looking a lot nicer so I took the Strael out for another spin. Prior to the ride I'd adjusted the saddle so it looked more level and ended up really not enjoying the first up and down of the farm path. I stopped and tilted the saddle back, as it had been, and I was absolutely flying again. There was virtually no wind either, which is extremely unusual, so it was a very enjoyable ride and I averaged 17.1 mph which was good. Another 24.9 miles.

15th August: After all the rain we've had recently today was finally warm and sunny, albeit windy, so I took the Strael out for a spin after work. I did two up and downs of the farm track and a loop and for the first time I can recall had a passenger. I thought I saw a speck of mud on my leg out of the corner of my eye but when I looked down I realised it was a shield bug!

He was on my leg just above my knee and he sat there happily for a good two miles despite the 18 mph wind and being vigorously flung up and down at 90 odd RPM! He eventually decided to go exploring and started heading up my leg so I stopped and carefully placed him on the top bar of a gate but not before taking a picture of him. A bit of post-ride Googling suggests he was a red-legged shield bug which are predatory so I'm glad he didn't bite me! Anyhow, another 22.9 sunny miles.

25th August: I finally got for a ride today after an unplanned ten day hiatus! The last few days have been hectic; my dad's in hospital, we've had a lot of rain and poor weather, I'm in the middle of changing jobs and I've currently got a cold. Anyhow, It was sunny and fairly warm I took the Strael out and did two up and downs of the farm track and two loops. It was nice to get out again and I averaged 16.8 which was decent and a much needed 26.1 miles.

28th August: Well my cold is on the wane at last and it was a surprisingly hot and sunny day so I took the Strael out for the afternoon. Because the weather was so nice I ended up in a restless, meandering sort of mood so I ended up doing half the farm track, the track to Aughton and back then finishing the farm track and completing my usual 27 miler. I don't know if it's because I've been taking a lot of vitamin D and zinc for my cold but my legs felt awesome all the way around. On top of that I think the sun has definitely topped my tan up a bit so an awesome ride all round and another 31.2 miles.

30th August: I really wasn't in the mood for a ride tonight but my cold's a lot better and I'm short of miles so I dragged myself out of the house and went for a ride. The weather was OK, quite warm and mainly blue skies but it was very windy which didn't help. I persevered and after about ten miles I started to enjoy it somewhat. I did what is now my staple, the shortcut to the farm track and then three ups and downs of the farm track.

On a more depressing note, you can tell autumn's on the way from the picture I took above. I got in at 7:46 and I was starting to think "Hmm... I'm going to need a front light if I stay out much longer" as I rode through the village; it's not going to be long before every ride involves fitting lights back AND front. A reasonable ride and, because the Bolt decided to not start recording until I was about 0.6 miles into the ride, another 24.6 miles leading to a monthly total of a less than ideal 182.7 miles. 


  1. Hi! How tall are u? I'm thinking about that size!

  2. Hi, No idea how I missed your comment but I'm just about 5' 11".
